Friday's dose of gratitude.
This week I finally re-identified my blood type: B positive. I used to give blood as often as I could in the States, but I truly couldn't remember my type. What I love most about B positive is, of course, its message. A sweet serendipitous reminder, in English, that is.
1. Languages.
When you learn a second language as an adult, it cracks open the poetry of your mother tongue. Strange things happen: The pitch of your voice kites up, your dreams lean in vividly, your thoughts--when walking alone--shift. I've found that my Spanish voice lilts a higher pitch. And, while I can't really claim to speak Turkish, I have had two technicolor dreams in Turkish: one last year while we were traveling through Turkey and one more recently. Of course I can't remember what was said, but maybe some dormant nook of me speaks a little Turkish after all.
If you're immersed in a new language long enough, you might even relearn emotions: sadness, kindness, friendship, love. It is in some ways the perfect opportunity to recreate yourself. Then again, after a while, you are still you. No matter what you say. And who are you? And who am I? And really aren't we just one? No matter what we say.
2. Flowers.
Life's other poem. Fresh cut flowers rarely make it down to these parts, and I miss them dearly. Especially economical daffodils, irises and planted orchids from Trader Joe's! Last night after downloading some YouTube how-to's, Serkan origamied me these delicate napkin roses.
3. Old family photos.
Yesterday we walked to the cemetery in town to snap some photos. Neither one of us had been before. It was a gray day, and the Puerto Natales cemetery is surrounded by a huge cement wall--as gray as gray gets. Perhaps not the most uplifting of activities, but I always find cemeteries peaceful and calming. And seeing the old photos reminded me of the old family photos I hold so dearly. Not to mention my beautiful family members.
4. B+.

5. You!
You, too, are my serendipity. Your comments, encouragement and the happy accidental discoveries I trip over throughout the day make me smile. You light up my mornings, noons and nights. Sometimes warm fuzzies emanate. And, really, the timing couldn't be better. All I can say is thank you thank you thank you!
{photos: 1&3: unknown; please let me know if they're yours, 2: me, 3: moonyen}
What are you thankful for today?
I am thankful for being healthy, good strong coffee, sleeping in, all the mail I have received this week, my newfound love of skype, and my dear friends like you sweet Heather. :) Miss you so much, though.
I am so unbelievably happy right now, because of beautiful blogs like yours and beautiful people like you and others...
I couldn't agree more about the language. I really want to learn some Asian language. Like chinese which I'm already supposed to know, or Korean or something.
I love, love, love everything that you are thankful for! :)
And I love the secret amazing message of your blood type, it sounds like you!
I am thankful for scarves, coffee and hot tea, family, the beach, and sleeping!
I am thankful today, especially right now after a delicious homemade pizza that I had with my best friend, my wonderful wife (: I am thankful for being loved by the most beautiful wife ever. I was even gonna be some more thankful if I finished origami angel tho! But I am thankful and happy, anyway! I have my angel.
I would be thankful again if I was able to go out to deep breath terrific smelly colorful alive flowers.
I am thankful for this Blog.
Let's B +++++++++...
There's a lot of things to be thankful for. I am thankful for the pain I had been through a couple months ago, for if not for the pain the success would not be as sweet. I am thankful for turning another year older and I am also thankful to have found your blog. Looking forward to reading more posts from you. Have a lovely weekend
A great list!!
Today I am grateful for:
1) Free coffee from my fab boss
2) Gyms that aren't meat markets
3) Cupcakes
4) Pandora
There's my random list! Have a great weekend:-)
aawww im thankful for the nice weather we've been having here. :)
this is such a light and heartwarming post!! keep it up! :D
Animated Confessions
Hi! I've stumbled upon your blog and am happy to have done so because you've got some beautiful writing here. I agree with you about the cemeteries, perhaps not the most cheerful of thoughts initially, but there's a sense of calm there.
Today, I'm thankful of new friends and keeping in contact with old friends.
Today I'm thankful for being alive and healthy. I agree with you on Lnaguages; I speak five fluently.
Have a happy weekend!;-)
Oh I LOVE this!!
English is my second language, I was born in Germany. I definitely notice a change in pitch as well.
I love everything about this post, your blog is such a happy place to come to :)
Have a fantastic weekend, sweetie!!
I have bought so many books on learning italian (even one for "dummies") but your #1 really makes me want to learn. (as did "Eat Pray Love")
I am thankful for cups of coffee in a mug my Mom gave me, wearing my fiance's 7th grade gym clothes as pajamas, Netflix Instant Watch (last night it was Woody Allen's "Whatever Works"), postcards, and the power of prayer.
Your last one is soooo cute and true! I feel the same way about you! ;)
wishing you many more fridays of gratitude! old photos are such a blessing. so happy that my mom made us take so many pics as kids even though i probably scowled and resisted at the time. i love knowing where i came from and what joys gave me the foundation i have today.
how did i miss this?? what a fantastic post. xoxo-carrie
beautiful post! this makes me want to continue to learn my italian and french...
p.s. congrats on getting wiggled by wild & precious! i can see why, your blog is great :)
<3, brooke
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