Before noon today, not only did I prepare some fresh pineapple orange juice, but I also learned a new word in Spanish: velar. Meaning: to look after or to be vigilant about something. What's so sweet about this is that vela means candle. You know, that little flickering light that helps one look after things, or that sometimes looks after you, depending on the inversion.
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{Casa Sugar} |
Yesterday's English word of the day (yes, I am a nerd) busticated me into fits of laughter. Well, kinda. Busticate: to break into pieces. As in, if you don't gimme what I want, I'm gonna busticate you. Well, kinda. We should be more zen than that, because it's true that we catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.
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{Spring Darjeeling by Penlington Manor} |
hope you are having a great weekend! lovely to visit you as always! verbenacottage
oh your blog is gorgeous! thank you for stopping by mine!
love this post. made me giggle!
xo Alison
Haha, when I think of "busticate" I think of women with big chests.
:) I really like the two meanings of velar. They seem to fit perfectly.
haha busticated is really a word? i love it :)
I LOVE that word and definition of velar. Beautiful. I am a dictionary geek as well. I can't remember most of the fun words I find though!!
Velar! So sweet, I love it!
I hope you have a great, amazing, fantastic weekend!
Stunning image! Hope you are having a darling weekend xx
Thank you for participating in my giveaway and thank you or your lovely comment. Congratulations!
What made me happy was checking your blog. What a beautiful place on the worldwide web.
Dearest Heather,
Thank you for visiting with me yesterday; it is always so nice to receive a comment from a new face! I so love that you enjoy words and their meaning....I am a French teacher and my favorite book is A DICTIONARY, French or English! It is never-ending fun for me to learn a new word. How did you ever find my blog? So you are in Chile....are you an American born in Chile? How exciting, I hope! Do come again for more fairies, French and other fun things. Have a pleasant Sunday, Anita
O, I knew "vela" means "to sail", but I didn't know the word's other meanings - so interesting!
P.s.: I can't believe you have been already in Slovenia! Well, I'm going to post some pictures from Bled soon, so you will see it again :)
Have a nice Sunday!
@Kimminita, Thank you so much for your sweet comment, you made my day!
@Anita, I never thought of the dictionary as a favorite book before, but what wonderful insight! I've always loved my big hardcover English dictionary, but it's in the States now, too big to travel with. I also loved having free access to an online OED back in my college days. I'm originally from California, but have been living in Chile for three+ years. (Normally we leave during the freezing winter and travel a bit, but this year we stayed.. Brrr.) Planning to be back and living Stateside again withing the next year!
Have a sweet weekend back.
Thanks for entering my giveaway, good luck.
haha, i'm a nerd as well! ;) cute post
haha, busticate! XD
Love the photos you chose too, very fun
Love "busticate"! I can't wait to use that one! I need to get on, for sure! I need to "velas" my garden! XO!
Enjoyed learning these words! And orange pineapple juice sounds wonderful! Thank you for your travel wishes. It is nice to be back in blog land, even though it is hard to be back home after having a nice time traveling!
Thanks for the lesson - velas/velar are beautiful words!
I get the same email and love being word nerdy!
busticate? um seriously? new word!!
Love visiting you today...I learned something new!!!
Happy Monday! Thank you for visiting me the other day and leaving such a sweet comment! xoxo
I used to do those word of the day things and I think I should again, good job using it!
Going to Majorca (Spain) in two weeks time so I can flaunt the word velar! Have a wonderful week.
ha ha, "busticate." what a great word. what a great post.
i really like this little blog world you've created. it's calming and lovely and inspiring. :)
thank you for sharing your story on my blog. it's always motivating to hear other people's victories in this ongoing war against neurological disease. your kind words are much, much appreciated. thank you! :D
Love the pretty.
I always try to do the word of the day, either just English word or foreign one, but it never sticks. Glad to see you putting yours to good use.
busticate!! haha. i love that. ill have to use it tomorrow
ohh, you are fantastic! please keep me updated on the word of the day at, i lost track ages ago...haha. i mean, only if it's a good word busticate!
your blog is so pretty! I like this post too, that's funny about the word
Jo @ Sun Kissed
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