Today feels like Patagonian "summer" has arrived: wild, blow-your-beanie-off gales + rain. While "summer" here can hardly be mentioned without putting air quotes around it, I must say that as the wind picks up, the temperatures do get a little warmer.
This morning's big goal was laundry, but our washing machine is in a shed outside, and that just did not sound fun. Plus hanging socks out in the rain to dry proves counterproductive, even if the wind whips them about quite a bit.
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No, it's not exactly springy, but this is what spring is like here. Since there's really only 1.5 seasons. Cold, freezing + calm (read: windless) winter; and cold, windy, capriciously mood swinging "summer." (So... what does that mean, really? Rain, snow, wind, sun in a single day minute.
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But still, I want to say...
And I did say this to the piles of laundry, in my own special way. I ran other errands instead and met up with an English friend for long slow coffee and sparkling conversation. What else could I say to spring, except yes?
{unattributed photos : unknown : please let me know if they're yours.}
i love those dresses! they're so sweet!
♥ allisterbee
slow coffee and sparkling conversation...i love that!
xo Alison
sparkling conversations are the best :)
This sounds lovely!
Love these! My dryer broke recently and i line dried my clothes for a couple days until i finally gave in and got it repaired(my towels were drying to a hard crust on the line), so i gave in. However, i love to line dry-love the smell. xo
yay for spring and new beginnings!! maybe i wouldn't be so wound if my bday was in spring? heather i have to get a handle on this...the thing doesn't happen til end of month.
and amen on screw the laundry! let those socks wash and dry and wash again outdoors!!
Great post Heather-
I live in the desert and it is so hot here in the summer- We don't mind it though because we traded our super cold Toronto and then Detroit winters for our now super hot summers-
I usually need very little incentive to screw laundry-
Hope you are having a good day- I read your comment on My Year in Haiku- (thanks so much so sweet) and you said that you are expecting a son- I am so happy for you- I have two- I call them my monkeys cuz that is what they are. I don't know what it is like to have a girl but I certainly think having boys is so much fun.
I hope you are feeling well and I am happy for you that you had a great coffee time with a friend.
Sounds like some fun weather :)
I love the imagery you used in this post -- positively delightful!
Especially those sweet little dresses!
ugh. laundry. conversations with friends is SO much better than laundry!
speaking of seasons, I am literally counting down the days until fall. I can't stand the Chicago heat or humidity anymore. Diiissssgusting!
Fabulous post- loving those photos!! xo- karrie
so cute
all the photos are gorgeous
@Stacey, It's so funny, because lots of people haven't even heard of dryers here (although there are a couple of laundry places here with dryers for the backpackers). And I so know what you mean about those crispy towels!
@Carrie, You will get a hold on it! August is the new spring! And it really is!!! New beginnings! xoxo
@Ren, Thank you so much for your sweet comment. I loved those haikus! I think moving to someplace warm after living in so long with winters of cod and snow is pretty perfect! :) At least for me... I don't think I'm meant to be this cold. Though, I reckon it's practice for something.
ha ha I love this post! And I wish spring was here and summer was coming. I mean real summer not "summer" ha ha. It's summer here in Utah, yes, but in goes from summer to winter to summer. There isn't really a spring or fall. It just changes in an instant. And summer is about three months, winter. . . about nine. oh why? It's beautiful, but I'd rather play in the sun in my bear feet. I am sure it is beautiful where you live. I have always wanted to go. I will try to make it in the "summer".
Rachel, I had no idea Utah was so drastic and long about its winters! It's not quite spring here yet... but I am looking forward to it so much, it seems like it should be! :)
Also, best time to come visit here (visit, not stay!!!! I must have been crazy!) is from November-February! Crazy for Xmas and NYE, the sun doesn't set till after 11pm! And the crazy force of the wind and ultra changeable weather is something everybody should experience at least once. Enjoy what's left of your real summer! :)
Im loving those dresses so gorgeous guessing you didnt make them? Thanks for visiting my blog all the way from Chile, I have a giveaway you or anyone else may like to sign up for!
Ha! Screw the laundry indeed. Glad you're celebrating spring's arrival, no matter what kind of weather it brings.
Hey Heather!
Wow, never been to Patagonia, or Cali either. But I so, so wish to get to California some day, I heard it's lovely.
It's good you're optimistic; I should be more like that this period. :)
I'm really glad you shared your thoughts with me; stop by anytime!
lovely spring and lovely photos. you've chosen them very well, especially the first one.
Join our giveaway to win a fabulous dress. :)
Omg, cheesecake... You said the magic word! :D I think cheesecake is my favourite desert in the entire world. Anybody could win my heart with a piece of this delightful cake.
Yum, indeed!
Love this post so much!!!...Those dresses are amazing:)
Ooh, I so adore this post - it is perfection!! :)
*sigh* so pretty.
your blog is so great, im glad i stumbled across it :)
You know, I think I would enjoy that weather! Winter is my favorite season, and I like to be kept guessing! XO!
i understand about every single kind of weather, oregon can be like that too.... i love clothes lines though. i put one up this summer, but its not warm enough to dry them! D:
this is very interesting learning more about Patagonia. it sounds amazing, but i had no idea what the weather was like.
also, can i say that to laundry EVERY day? :P
i had to leave many of my books behind when i moved to germany for 3 years. it was wonderful to see them again, once we moved back to the States. just think, they are waiting patiently for you...
i bet, if you want book recommendations, you could throw a query out to the blogosphere, and come back with many great ideas. my mind is churning to find a gem to suggest, should you want it. :)
beautiful second photo...
laundry :[ hehe but the photo is so gorgeous :)
<33 [v] hobovogue
excellent choice! love all the pics :]
These are now some of my favorite images!
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