Again, just a wee late as we jetted off to the Park to camp in the frozen clear night. It's been a pretty eventful week. I plan to keep my list simple and short, but we'll see what happens. This week's gratitude list unfolds a little like this...
vivid dreams of old friends.
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{photo : unknown : please let me know if it's yours} |
Beautiful friends from the past have been visiting my dreams. We're talking folks I haven't seen in a while, not the people I see daily here. Last time I was home for a visit was in October (not long, yet long enough), and I couldn't see everybody I wanted to hug. But I've seen everybody in the last two weeks. Wouldn't it be great to have a tea party with all the people you dream about in a week? I guess some weeks it might then be a party of one. Other weeks maybe even a nightmarish affair. But maybe tea parties are the answer for facing our lonelinesses and fears.
windless calm.
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{torres del paine, reflected} |
Don't get me wrong. Icy cold still tenses our muscles considerably. Two nights ago the water in our Nalgene started to freeze while inside the tent. Every place has its characters. Were you to read or write a story about Patagonia, you'd find wind is always the main character. But, thankfully, winter gives us a wind reprieve. The lakes and lagoons, like glass, reflect the mountains, clouds and stars. Well, that is if said water isn't sheeted with ice or frozen straight through. There's a time for the exhilaration and fight contra el viento, and a time for deep breathing and peace. I'm diggin' the latter. Without the thrash of wind, birdsong and creek-trickle sing.
morning's lonesome grebe ebing for his lover.
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{swans, not grebes} |
One of the pretty things you can wake up to here on calm days. Yesterday morning, one grebe V'd near the shore of a blue lagoon. I wondered where his mate was, and I'm pretty sure he was wondering the same thing. As we prepared our breakfast, a back and forth conversation quickened. Lonesome grebe found his mate, and they noisily chattered and sped the pace of their paddling. Where were you last night? I was worried sick.
warm sleeping beneath two down comforters.
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{photo} |
This is especially wonderful after a cold fitful night's rest with muscles locked cold. I love backpacking, camping and being gone, disconnected. But I also love that hot shower, delicious food and warm bed waiting for me upon my return. This is turning into a calm post with a sleepy focus. So I'll leave you with this bedtime story...
guess how much I love you?
We ordered some stuff from Amazon and sent it to my aunt, because they wouldn't ship it here directly. We have to do this fairly often, and I am so thankful that I have loving family and friends to mail us things! (THANK YOU!)
She added this beautiful book to the package. Our first baby book. And still a bedtime favorite of her grandbabies, who are now all double-digit old now! (when did that happen!?) It's basically a conversation between Little Nutbrown Bear and Big Nutbrown Bear about how much they love one another. When LNB is so sleepy with measuring all the possibilities, he tells BNB: I love you to the moon. BNB tucks in sleeping LNB, and whispers. I love you to the moon and back. Jeez, it tears me up just to write this.
And why would she be sending us baby books? You guessed it! We're going to be first-time parents around mid-January. While I did eat a lot of cheesecake this week, it's baby Yalin who is really making his presence more and more obvious.
Wish you all a restful weekend, full of big dreams and sweet ones!
{photos 2 +3 by serkan}
oh gosh CONGRATULATIONS!!! And that book is very very awesome.
This blog post is so relaxing. I remember having tea parties with my older brother before we grew apart. Kind of miss that. I woke up this morning and was glad I was warm. I had a dream I was a fish swimming in the Artic, and I was cold.
WOW you're going to be a mom!!! congratulations =) =)
aww, congrats! Being a mom is, by far, the coolest experience ever. I've read that book to my daughter since she was a newborn. :] Cheesecake & I became very good friends while I was baby brewing. :]
Congratulations!!!! How exciting :)
Loved your list this week. It is all so poetic. My favorite is the windless calm!
Yay! So glad you finally let the cat out of the bag so I don't have to constantly worry that I'm gonna spill the beans. :) Can't wait to find out more and more and more. And I'm gonna need you to move home pronto so that I can be near my little niece or nephew all the time!
This is one of our favorite books and I loved reading it with my boys when they were young.
I also love having dreams about friends- I feel as if I had a visit and it feels just as refreshing- I think that dreams are just as real as consious life.
If I feel it it must be true.
Yalin- nice.
beautiful photos!!
Congratulations! I hope you are feeling well!
Congrats on the fantastic news. Love these photos
Congrats, sweet Heather! What great things to be grateful for. I cannot wait to hear all about this wonderful journey!
i will come to your tea party with my chanel jacket on. woot woot. here i come!
First off, warmest congratulations! That is SUCH wonderful news!!
Secondly, lovely post...
Wow congratulations! Aww that is the sweetest present! Lovely list - playtime between childhood friends and lovers in the morning - just gorgeous!
Warm, warm congratulations to you my friend. This is such wonderful news!! How're you feeling mama? Make sure you get lots of cheesecake and every other little thing your heart desires.
xoxo and much love,
I love this. The pictures are so great and that book is amazing.
OMG! CONGRATULATIONS! I AM SO JEALOUS AND EXCITED FOR YOU! :) Such a great book! I should suggest other books for you too...
P.S. I look forward to your Friday post every single week, so precious!
that's a very lovely photo, girl. The two little girls in a a fairy like look. It's good to see lovely things :)
Join our giveaway to win a fabulous dress. :)
Congratulations on becoming a Mama.
Indeed. I adore the calming effect of these pictures above. Look after yourself and enjoy Motherhood. Enjoy the weekend;-)
Are children's books not the greatest?! I love em.
And you are going to be a mother. You are a mother! How wonderful, Heather. Congratulations!
Wowww congratulations!!! That's so exciting. We have that book, too, and it's really the sweetest.
These are so beautiful news, Heather!
It is nice filling to read something like this, eventhough we don't know each other.
You two must be so happy! And I am too if I may! :)
Take care and congratulations!
Congrats! xx
Love that list you made...and that book is one of our faves as well!
reading this wonderful post from a sunny Majorca where I am finding some peace and quiet with a longtime friend. we are not having tea in elf costumes but the feeling is this same!
wowee!! that is fantastic news :) congratulations...
lovely post :) kel
So super excited for you! : ) Hope my little package arrives there soon!!! xoxo
Ohh congrats!! That book is a really sweet little addition to your baby's library :)
Oh and thank you for letting me know about the hot chocolate. I love that it has a proper name :)
P.S. A tea party sounds absolutely fabulous!
I had all sorts of things to say about this post, but it all went out the window when I saw your biggest news of all. I'm so happy for you!
So excited to be along for the ride as you go through what is sure to be a happy and healthy pregnancy! :)
Thank you for visiting me! You had me following at "Rumi" on your banner...
Wow! What an amazing life you are living, I am curious to read more and will be a regular visitor. I read that book to my sons for sooo many years, and still do at is very special. Congratulations on your wonderful news...being a mother is an amazing miracle!
Hi Heather. Thank you so much for visiting my blog and introducing me to yours...and on a day when such a big announcement is made. I am so looking forward to following along and reading much more. I have a feeling it's going to be fun :)
so good to hear from you...will send you an email at some point this week! it's been a bit crazy, but you have really been on my mind so it was even more exciting to read your news. so happy!
Congrats!!! :) I loved this book when i was younger!! such a good baby book! :) x
Wow, CONGRATS! How magical and wonderful for you!
....on a more frivolous note, I adore the calm words and images in this post.
CONGRATULATIONS! That is one lucky baby, to have such fabulous, adventurous and kind parents! So excited for you, lovely post, isn't it cool that old friends are coming to you in dreams, even though you're far away? Lovely!
oh my goodness, congratulations! so very happy for you. i have two, and i wouldnt change a thing :)
awesome news! jx
What a beautiful and nostalgic post, you totally made my morning :)
Aww, I tell my husband that I love him to the moon and back. That is one of my all time favorite children's book. Congratulations on mommyhood!
and I'm not sure how you found me, but I'm so glad you did because I am IN LOVE with your blog!
Congratulations! Beautiful post!
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