Don’t worry too much about this labor deal. Even if it lasts three days, it’ll be over in a flash. You’re not crazy for trying to go natural. Your body, yes, was built for this birth thing. All you have to do is let it do. You know, shut that mind up; stop being so bossy and controlling. We control nothing in this universe. Perhaps just our decision to stop resisting it. Be present and let ourselves be in it. Don’t beat yourself up over not having learned this already. We all need little reminders, often.
It’s OK to say yes to help and ice cream. Breathe in fresh air. Bask in January's winter hot sun. It’s OK that you don’t have much of a plan for now. Your plans tend to change anyway. So just plan to make a plan when you can.
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{madrone by sheenjek} |
You’ll get your stamina back and your body strong. You’ll have little time for naps, so enjoy them now. Those monster hiccups in the deep of your groin, that lengthening body and butt butting into your right-side ribs, knees poking out the left—you won’t feel any of that soon, so enjoy it now too. The mood swings and meltdowns are just more pregnancy annoyances to be accepted (and sometimes sincerely apologized for).
You are. Love—infinite, emanating. Not bottomless, because that implies a container. Not endless, because that motions a beginning. In your purest form, you are love. And love makes a good mama.
soon to be mom
on our california due date, two days past la fecha chilena
Good luck with everything! :)
I love that you're going natural! It's just so lovely! Oh and definitely say yes to ice cream! You don't need a plan you're just waiting for your little one!
you'll do what you can with what you're given. This is going to be a beautiful experience no matter what. Can't wait for you!
sending you love and strength these next few days. can't wait to peek into this space and see the baby very soon.
thank you so much for your mail. the postcards that you sent for my friend naaz's wedding are gorgeous. the penguins made me giggle. and thank you for the earrings. they are lovely.
joy to
Thinking of you both as you wait for your little one to put in an appearance. You will be like most of us I'm sure; both perfect and imperfect, but a whole lot more of the former, no doubt about that! :)
Focus on the breath the whole time and I'm talking about REALLY FOCUSING! And I recommend squatting!
Coming from someone who has gone natural 3x ;-)
PS. Sometimes I wonder what on earth I was thinking when I hear women describing they were playing cards with their hubbies in labor!
I've been wondering how you are doing, I hope you are settling in feeling peace! Good luck and I miss you!
Goodluck Heather! :)
I'm sure you'll do great and am excited for the coming of the little one! ;)
what a lovely, poetic letter. it made me smile : )
I've been wondering how you've been doing. Lovely post, and great perspective on the physical experience.
That is so beautiful. I have been wondering how the move among other things have been working out. Much love and good thoughts sent to you. Hope to see you soon with a wee little one at your side and not inside.
This is such a beautiful post, it gives me shivers! You most definitely can do this... keep believing in yourself!
Sending you strength and positive energy for your upcoming adventure. So excited for you!
you are seriously going to be the best mom ever. best of luck my dear!!
Great post - I'm glad you're able to embrace the present while looking forward to the future!
This is such a beautiful post! I wish you the best in the new chapter of your life!
Keep up the positive thoughts and being kind to yourself. Thinking of you so much in these past couple weeks. Looking forward to seeing your little one :)
Good Luck dear soon to be Mum:))**
thank you for your visit on my blog:)
I keep fingers crossed!
This is a great post and you are amazing for doing all that. You have so much more courage than I could ever have!
HUGS! i'll be thinking about you!
xo Alison
Just stopped by to see how you are doing. Good luck with everything. I'm sure you'll do wonderfully. :)
Iiiip! So close now! I can't wait to hear about it all and welcome little baby Yalin into the world :)
Thank you for this Heather and my prayers and thoughts are with you. I'm about 3 or so months behind you depending on "the plan" and have gained so much insight and blessing from your posts.
I am so thrilled for you and also so thankful for your beautiful words and thoughts.
Lots of love,
Your Bath Friend
Caroline :-)
P.S. I love this so much I plan on printing it out and carrying it with me. So thank you.
that last line... oh you couldn't have said it better!
and i can't wait to meet baby Yalin!!!
beautiful blog, beautiful message. love your pics.
Sending you lots of love...
xoxo Diana
Good luck!! I don't have the guts to go natural...I'm too big a wuss. :) But you'll do great. Can't wait to see pictures of the new baby.
Just saw on Claire's blog that you had your little one! Congrats!!! What a darling! All the best to you and your new, bigger family! Yay!
Just saw your little man over at bicoastally! BIG grats from cold Norway, he looks like a little charmer and you all looked so happy :)
Claire mentioned you had your little bundle of love. And what a cutie!!!! Congrats on motherhood and I wish you all the best.
Hope that little baby made it safely and can't wait to hear all about him!
He is beautiful- all the best H!
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